Wednesday, 21 May 2014

As any journey must begin, I am taking my first step

I have never, and I do mean never, thought about starting a blog.  To be perfectly honest, I just don't think I'm that entertaining!  I have been a regular coupon clipper for a few years now and people often ask me how I do it and if it's actually worth it.
The past few weeks have put me in a place where I feel like great things could happen.  The only reason I say "could" instead of "will" is because those choices are up to me. I have had some huge lifestyle changes and it is up to me whether I take this time to find out who and what I can be, or crawl back under the covers and hide away from the world.
So I'm taking my first step.  I'm starting my journey.  My foot is a little shaky and I have no idea where this will lead....but I find that thought a little exciting.
My plan is to share some of the ways I stretch my pennies without sacrificing taste, quality, or opportunities. There are so many different ways to save money and get the best deals.  Whether you have a little or a lot of can save money.  Today I also begin my journey to better health.  When I come across a great recipe that is both tasty and foolproof, I will happily share my discoveries.
I suppose that although I start this journey for myself, my hopes are that on my journey I will meet other people feeling the same way that will walk beside me and make the journey even better!

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