Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Hasbro Gaming Night!

As fall descends upon us and the nights get darker earlier, I am left with trying to occupy my children and keep them from destroying my house.  I love the opportunity to sit down with them and play board games.  It reminds me of my own childhood and sitting around the dinner table with my family for a rousing game filled with loud laughter and joy.
I was so excited when I found out that I had been chosen as a lucky recipient of the Hasbro Gaming VoxBox.  Courtesy of Influenster, I was sent a copy of Monopoly Junior to review with my family and get their thoughts.
Monopoly Junior Game
We invited the grandparents over to play as well.  After all, our love for board games came from them!  I have always enjoyed Monopoly but found that sometimes it was too intricate to keep the attention of the smaller children.  I was hopeful for this junior version and how the kids would enjoy it.
Instead of street names, Monopoly Junior is based around being at a Funfair.  After rolling the dice, you may land on various squares and purchase fair attractions such as "See the Fireworks" or "Buy Candy Floss".  The game is over when one player spends all of their money.  The remaining players count up their money and the person with the most money wins.
It's an easy concept and very visual for kids as they imagine the various things they would like to do, see, or eat at the fair. The game lasts an average amount of time which keeps all ages entertained and engaged. We had a wide variety of ages and we all enjoyed trying to outsmart and "pass" family members.
I would highly recommend this game for all families looking to add another quality game to their collection.  For fans of Monopoly, Monopoly Junior is the perfect stepping stone for younger members.  I found the game on the shelf at my local Walmart (Canadian) for $9.99 on sale.  Pop some popcorn, open up your copy of Monopoly Junior, and you have the perfect combination for a fun family evening on a dreary fall night.

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Thank you H-O-T-W-I-R-E Hotwire.com

Admit it, you sang the jingle in your head when you read the title of this post, didn't you?  That's alright, I've had it stuck in my head all morning while thinking of this post!

This past weekend I decided to surprise my kids with a night out of town.  There have been some huge personal changes in our lives recently and I felt we were all due for a mini vacation and the mental break.  Unfortunately, there's always reality.....bills, mortgages, and responsibilities that hinder the opportunity to whisk away to tropical destinations at a moment's notice.  Eliminating Hawaii, Paris and Milan.....I decided on Bellingham Washington.  Bellingham is approximately a 2-21/2hr drive from our place.  Far enough away to feel like we are "getting away" yet close enough to drive.  It offers many different foods and treats that we can't find back home which is fun for the kids.  And let's not forget those amazing dairy prices!

Now....to book a hotel.  There were a few parameters that I was looking to fill but at the same time I recognize that it is only for the night and I do not need to sleep at the Ritz (although I'm sure it would feel fantastic!).  I needed two beds, close to a mall or something likewise to entertain the kids, easy to find (I'm not the greatest person at directions!), a pool or hot tub, and a continental breakfast included.  Going forward I realize that the pool/hot tub is not so required anymore as my kids are getting older and we seldom use the pool once we get there.  I'm sure the first time I book one without though.....they will want to go swimming!

I digress....While searching online for a hotel, I found that the price ranged from approximately $129 - $169cdn before taxes.  Although I was prepared to grimace and pay, I suddenly remembered one of my co-workers talking about an online hotel booking site called Hotwire.com.  It's a site where you type in your parameters of what you are looking for, and then a list of available hotels pops up.  You are not told the name of the hotel or the exact location until you book the room.  It is a way for large hotel chains to fill empty rooms. I gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised to see rooms listed from $65-$95 per night.  I read the reviews and settled on one listed at $75.  After entering my credit card information, I was notified that we were booked in at the Best Western Heritage Inn.  After taxes were added, my final cost was $90.63cdn.  Out of curiosity, I went to the actual hotel website and tried to book the same room to compare costs.  After taxes it was $184.68!!  I saved 49% on my room!

We arrived at the hotel to discover a beverage station complete with cookies to welcome you to the hotel.  They offered a heated outdoor pool and indoor hot tub and sauna.  It is an older hotel but they have recently invested in numerous upgrades, including new linens and an enhanced continental breakfast.  It is conveniently located right across the highway from a large mall which was perfect for teenagers.  Breakfast the next morning was more than substantial.....everything from eggs and sausages to cereal and made-to-order waffles (in original or blueberry!).  Not having to purchase breakfast was an additional savings for us.

Other highlights to our mini vacation included:  $2 energy drinks (something I NEVER let me kids have), a $1 massage in the mall (in one of those leather recliners), and novelty cereal to bring back home with us.  I stocked up on some yogurt and cheese before we left and we arrived back home just after dinner on Sunday night.

The best part of this mini vacation was the opportunity to spend some quality time with my kids.  We went with no timeline or schedule which allowed us the freedom to explore to our heart's content.  My heart melted when the kids each took me aside Sunday night to thank me for the trip and to tell me how much fun they had.  It doesn't always have to cost a lot to make an impact.

Happy travels

Friday, 30 May 2014

Coupons? There's an App for that!

Nowadays, technology runs our world and being separated from our cell phones brings that momentary sense of panic.  Our the years we have seen house phones move to cell phones, vacuum cleaners move to "Roombas", and yes....clipped coupons move to smart phone coupon applications.

Although coupons can still be found in the regular tear pads, magazines, and online places......there has been a new movement of online coupons.  These programs reward you will cyber discounts that accumulate in your account until you reach $20 or more and then reimburse you by cheque.  Instead of having your discount right at the till, you participate in a type of "forced savings" and receive a payout once you have accumulated the minimum requirements.  The cheque will arrive approximately two weeks after requesting.  This is a great idea if you want to save for something special or extra like a vacation.

There are a variety of programs that you can download for free onto your smartphone.  Right now I currently have four programs on my Iphone.  They are:  Checkout 51, SnapSaves, Zweet, and Cart Smart.  I have used the first three quite regularly but am still on the fence with CartSmart as I have not really found the featured items relevant to my family.

How it Works: 

Each week a new list of featured items and the coupon amount will be published.  Once you have purchased the featured item in the correct time frame, you simply take a photo of your entire receipt and "tag" the featured items you want to claim.  Within 48hrs you will receive a confirmation email whether or not your receipt has been approved and the money added to your account.  Some items will have a limited amount available, so I suggest you submit your receipts as quickly as possible after purchasing.  One of the features that I really like about these apps is that you regularly see fruits and vegetables featured.  As regular coupons are rare for these types of items, it's nice to be reimbursed for eating healthy.  Another bonus is that you can use a coupon (tearpad, magazine, etc) while purchasing the items in store and still claim your smart phone online coupon afterwards....essentially "double couponing".  This can result in free or even credits (money paid to you!) on certain items.

Noting my weekly featured items, I went to my local grocery store yesterday for a few items.  I won't list everything I purchased, but here is an example of how the online apps work and what the end result can be.

Radishes - $0.69/bunch = $0.69 - $0.25 SnapSaves Coupon = $.44 Out of Pocket
Bean Sprouts - 0.070kg @ $3.29/kg = $0.23 - $0.25 SnapSaves Coupon = ($0.02) In my Pocket!
Carrots - 0.310kg @ $1.50/kg = $0.46 - $0.50 Zweet Coupon = ($0.04) In my Pocket!
Yams - 0.325kg @ $2.84/kg = $0.92 - $0.25 SnapSaves Coupon = $0.67 Out of Pocket
Organic Bananas - 0.450kg @ $2.40/kg = $1.08 - $0.50 Zweet Coupon = $0.58 Out of Pocket

Total:  $3.38
Savings:  $1.75
Final Cost:  $1.63
48% Savings

I was happy saving 50% on my fruits and vegetables as I seldom see savings on these items.  Had I bought non-organic bananas, my total would have probably been even less!
Happy Shopping!
What can you buy for $1.63?

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A Night Out Without Breaking the Bank

With a new budget in place, there's not a lot of room left for the "extras".  This means I have to get more creative than I was before.  We decided that this month's indulgence would be dinner and a movie.  There was a new film out that we all wanted to see and we felt it was worthy our May choice.
Weekends are prime movie nights which means prime movie costs.  We decided to go on Monday night and watch an earlier show time to make sure we weren't home too late for work and school in the morning.  By choosing a weekday and an earlier show time, we saved and average of $3 per ticket.
Before we left to head up to Whistler for our dinner and movie, I stopped in at one of the local Dollar Stores and bought some boxed candy to take along with us. For $3.36 total I picked up treats for all of us.  I checked out the prices at the movie theatre to compare prices and candy was $3.95 each plus tax.  I know that many people are against bringing food into a movie theatre, but we paid admission and bought some popcorn to share so I felt we still supported them.
Dinner.  My daughter had eaten at the Mongolie Grill before and asked if we could go there.  It was very convenient in that it is located right next to the theatre.  This is a very entertaining stir fry restaurant where you select the ingredients and sauces and then watch the chefs cook your dinner in front of you with finesse and flair.  How they don't drop their flippers, I will never know!  Waiting for you when you return to your table is your choice of white or brown rice.  We were thrilled when our waiter told us that they were celebrating locals this week and that all meals were half price with the purchase of a drink.  For our dinner of three with one "adult" drink and two specialty drinks was approximately $40 and we were stuffed beyond belief.

I know that there are ways to save even more money on dinner and a movie (which I have done before), but I wanted to show you that even with a little effort, you can save money.  Here is a breakdown of our approximate savings last night:

Dinner:  $40  (Regular cost $80, locals special half price)
Movie:  $11.25 (Regular price $12.75 per person, weekday matinee $9 each)
Snacks:  $9.90 (Dollar Store Candy $3.36, Theatre Candy $13.26)
Total Savings:  $61.15

We had a fantastic evening filled with laughter and quality time.  We each crawled under our covers with a smile on our faces. We are all looking forward to where our next adventure takes us.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Broadway Nails imPRESS Press-on Manicure

I am a somewhat new member to an online social site called Influenster.  It is a place to go and post reviews of various products from restaurants to running shoes.  It's great to look up a product you are considering trying and see what other people have to say about it.  From time to time they offer products to a selection of their members to try and give their honest feedback.  I was one of the lucky people selected to review the ImPress Manicure by Broadway Nails.
I was cautiously optimistic as I waited for the product to arrive.  To be honest, I haven't used "press-on" nails since I was in highschool which was a loooong time ago!  I'm also fairly busy and don't have the time and patience to spend a long time on my nails.  I figured I would give it a whirl with the thought of nails "popping" off all evening long.
I was impressed that I was sent two different sets of nails to sample.  Very generous.  The pink was a bright, vibrant colour with a slight metallic shade.  It was very pretty.  The silver and black metallic nails I set aside for my next night out.  I sat down with my pink set and prepared for a long and frustrating night of application.
Prep work is very easy and straightforward.  You simply match the nail sizes along with yours, choosing an ImPress nail that is slightly smaller than the surface of your nail.  This ensures a better seal.  There is ample sizes included to make sure the fit is right for all nail shapes and sizes.  Clean off the surface of your nails with the prep pad included in the package.  Each nail in the package has a sticky underside that you simply peel off the backing and adhere to your nail.  Hold it in place for a few seconds and voila! I'm not kidding when I tell you that this whole process took approximately ten minutes!
Quick application with Great Results
With the thought of nails popping off still in my head, I continued through my days as usual.  I wanted to really test out the strength of the seal.  I work full time in an office and type on a keyboard all day.  Add to that the regular day to day chores like dishes, etc and I was sure to be missing half of the nails within 24hrs and finding pink nails in the strangest locations.  I was wrong!  
After four days of continual wearing, the nails were all still firmly adhered to my nails.  I was very impressed with the product.  When I decided that the time had come to remove them, I simply peeled the nail off from one side.  All adhesive product came off with the nail and my natural nails were left smooth and clear.
To summarize, I think this product is great for women like me.  The Broadway ImPress Manicure can be found at local drugstores and mass merchants at a reasonable price.  If you want to "dress" up your nails or "impress" someone with a detailed manicure without the time and mess (or cost of the salon), this is the product for you.  Simple to use, easy to apply and long lasting.
"Blooming" excited with my ImPress Manicure!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

As any journey must begin, I am taking my first step

I have never, and I do mean never, thought about starting a blog.  To be perfectly honest, I just don't think I'm that entertaining!  I have been a regular coupon clipper for a few years now and people often ask me how I do it and if it's actually worth it.
The past few weeks have put me in a place where I feel like great things could happen.  The only reason I say "could" instead of "will" is because those choices are up to me. I have had some huge lifestyle changes and it is up to me whether I take this time to find out who and what I can be, or crawl back under the covers and hide away from the world.
So I'm taking my first step.  I'm starting my journey.  My foot is a little shaky and I have no idea where this will lead....but I find that thought a little exciting.
My plan is to share some of the ways I stretch my pennies without sacrificing taste, quality, or opportunities. There are so many different ways to save money and get the best deals.  Whether you have a little or a lot of time....you can save money.  Today I also begin my journey to better health.  When I come across a great recipe that is both tasty and foolproof, I will happily share my discoveries.
I suppose that although I start this journey for myself, my hopes are that on my journey I will meet other people feeling the same way that will walk beside me and make the journey even better!