Thursday, 29 October 2015

Creative Thinking & Free Therapy

One year ago I bought a townhouse to live in with my two children.  Ending a ten year relationship was incredibly difficult, but I have been blessed with a wonderful man who made sure that I was best prepared to start this next chapter of my life. Being a single parent again has taken some adjusting, and sometimes we need to be a little more creative when it comes to unexpected costs.  Here is the baseline for this post.  The washer and dryer in my townhouse work....but they don't work great.  To dry one load of laundry takes approximately 90-120 minutes.  Sometimes that doesn't even work! Strata rules keep me from hanging laundry outside and I can see my hydro bills climbing from the extended periods (non-energy star) of running. Often my stairwell looks like a mini laundromat, but it has worked for the temporary time being.

I have made the decision to replace the machines which not only increases the value of my home, but should reduce my monthly utility bills by installing energy efficient appliances.  The only downside is finding the money to replace them.  Insert creative thinking!!

First Idea
I have been labelled in the past as a "mini hoarder".  I'm not terrible, but I do hold onto some things a little longer than necessary.  Clothes that I hope will one day fit again, clothes that I may end up gaining weight and need again, shoes I may need even though I am physically unable to wear high heels (doctor orders).  You know the drill.  I cleared out my clothes and posted them all on a local buy and sell site.  The response was fantastic!  I had priced it all inexpensive as I kept the thought in mind that I wanted it out of my house.  I started a jar and put any money earned into the jar.
Second Idea
I love baking.  I find it theraputic and relaxing.  It's a great way to relieve stress.  I like thinking up new concoctions and what the end result will be.  With a lot of prompting from my family, I offered my gingersnap cookies for sale at $5/dozen.  Word got out and within two weeks I had made and sold 42 dozen cookies!
Third Idea
This one is a continuation of the second idea.  The cookies were such a hit that I was approached by a few people for cakes and cupcakes.  It's been a lot of fun trying out new tastes and techniques, especially at a time when so many people have a wide range of dietary restrictions.  I've baked sugar free, dairy free, gluten free, and sometimes at midnight.....sanity free!

As of last count, I have saved $1500.00.  I can't wait until the day I walk in and pay cash for my new appliances.  I don't care that I have to count out all of those $5 and $10 bills, I get to walk out of there with no more debt than when I walked in.  The plan is to paint the walls as well as replace shelving above the appliances.  I found a shelving unit that I felt would be perfect, and my extremely talented father has already completed building it.  As soon as a good sale is on for the appliances, the renovation will commence. Stay tuned for the before and after pictures!

This post was simply to tell you to think "outside of the box".  We all have different talents...the trick is to find out what yours is and sharing it with someone whose talents differ from yours.  Need some electrical work done?  Perhaps you know of a guy who is one but you can't really afford to hire him.  Maybe he likes home baking?  Maybe he needs his house cleaned?  Maybe he would like family photos taken?  In older times, people traded for time and products.  Find something you love and use it to get the things you need.  Little by little you will achieve your goals.  Just be patient and keep the faith.

Until next time....

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