Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Well that was ten minutes of my life well spent!

I've been a little MIA lately and I've made a promise to myself to be a little more consistent with my posts.  After all, there are so many great savings, creative projects, and delicious recipes that are waiting to be shared!  Case in point - Clairol Nice n Easy Root Touch up.

I've been lucky enough to be a "BzzAgent' for the past few years.  Based on your profile, demographics, and lifestyle, there are various "campaigns" that you qualify for.  This means that they will send you new products to sample, review, and provide your honest feedback. Seems simple right?  It is!  Betcha you are wondering why you haven't signed up yet, right?  Me too!

Clairol Nice n Easy Root Touch up addresses a common problem for many people that colour their hair.  It feels so good when you have your hair coloured and is such a boost to your confidence.  Unfortunately, after a few weeks you start to notice your roots beginning to show.....especially if they are grey!  There's no way you have the time or the budget to go back to the salon so soon, but those grey roots make you want to wear a toque....in the summer. ;)

The Clairol Root Touch up kit contains everything you will need, from disposable gloves to mixing bowl.  Instructions are easy to follow and the mess is minimum.  I appreciated the fact that the scent wasn't overpowering.  As a long time sufferer of sensitive skin, I find that strong scented hair colours tend to make my skin react in rash.  The Clairol kits are available in 21 different shades which makes it much simpler to match with your current hair colour.

Now, the best part.  The colour has to sit and soak for ten minutes!  Ten!  That's it!  That's less time between commercial breaks on your favorite reality tv show!  Like many other people out there, this single mom never seems to have enough time to do ANYTHING.  Clairol Nice n Easy Root Touch up eliminates all of your excuses.  They state that the colour will last approximately three weeks and will gradually fade/wash out.

I found the product to be very user friendly and the result was super shiny, smooth grey-free hair.  The colour blended nicely with my natural colour and I received lots of compliments on how shiny and healthy my hair looked.  As a consumer, I like the fact that the Clairol line of products are reasonably priced and regularly go on sale or provide coupons.  BzzAgent provided me with a handful of $2 off coupons with my touch up kit and I happily shared them with friends and family.

Overall, I enjoyed my experience with Clairol Nice n Easy Root Touch up and I thank BzzAgent for providing me with the opportunity to test.  Please note that I was given a sample and coupons from BzzAgent for purpose of reviewing. #GotItFree #Clairol #BzzAgent
<img src="https://img.bzzagent.com/image/clairolRoot.jpg?Type=activity&Activity=9322789924&Campaign=3077039775&Uid=1125862&token=bfeaadf60d868094aa7e67b864f85d48" alt=""/>

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