Monday, 16 March 2015

Thank Heaven for 711 - Making Fridays Extra Special!

For me, Fridays are already pretty great.  Not only is it the last day of my work week, but it's also the one day a week we are able to wear jeans to work (casual Fridays). Nothing makes for a comfortable work day like stretch jeans and moccasins!  Recently I discovered one more way to make Fridays even better........enter the 711 smartphone app!

711 has started a new marketing tool that appeals to the new technical revolution and draw more customers through their doors.  Consumers are invited to download the app for free and a variety of special deals and promotions become available for purchase.  Here is an example of what it looks like:
A variety of ever changing options are available......from reduced prices of hot coffee to super sizing your slurpee for a fraction of the cost.  It's a great incentive to bring people through it's doors.  There is a barcode on the home page of the app that the cashier will scan with your purchase.  Once the cashier hits the subtotal, the cash register will automatically deduct any sales or specials currently available on your smartphone app.

The best part of this application though (in my opinion), is something they call "Freebie Fridays".  Every Friday, 711 will offer a limited quantity of a selected item for FREE.  There is a limit of one per customer (in order for more people to enjoy). This "freebie" changes on a weekly basis.  I have seen a variety of items from a free coffee to a fresh baked cookie or chocolate bar.  This past Friday, it was a free bottle of Jones soda 355ml (any flavour).
Jones Pineapple Cream Soda 355ml
As you can tell, my teenage son thought this was a great deal and it was already half gone before I could snap a photo! I was responsible for the bottle deposit and environmental levy's, but the $2.09 price of the soda was deducted at the till.  It's a fun, free way to start the day and to try to guess what it will be each week.  My daughter gets a ride to work with me on Fridays and we now refer to the day as "Freebie Friday" and make sure we allow enough time to stop by.

On a side note, 711 also celebrates holiday spirit with this smartphone app.  During December, they offer "Twelve days of Christmas freebies".  Each day for twelve consecutive days, they offer a limited quantity of different items for free.

It seems that this free smartphone app is the gift that keeps giving!  I hope this post makes your Fridays just a little bit brighter like it did ours.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Indulging your Sweet Tooth Without Breaking the Bank

You should never EVER go to the store when you are hungry.  I know this, I live this, and yet there are times when I find myself listening to my inner sugar monster rather than my common sense.  This happened last night when I popped into the local Walmart to buy eggs on my way home from work.

With the greatest of intentions, I made a beeline for the eggs.  While I was there, I grabbed a carton of Tropicana orange juice that I had an FPC for (Free Product Coupon).  BUT, then I thought I would just take a quick peek at the cleaning supplies because Walmart has been clearing out a bunch of items recently due to discontinue and package change.  In the end I'm glad I did because there were some fantastic deals to be had!  The down side?  I had to walk past a section that just happened to have sour jube jubes in eyesight.  Sigh......I really really like sour jube jubes.  Before I could think about my expanding waistline, into my buggy they went (In hindsight, I should never have grabbed a buggy to pick up gave me far too much carrying space!)

I almost made it to the till when I saw the Veggie Sticks.  My salty monster is almost as bad as my sweet one and I compensate by telling myself I'm eating vegetables rather than just potato chips. This was also the moment I realized I needed to get out of the store and go home for dinner!  Here is what I ended up with:

Sweet & Sensible Shopping (Tropicana orange juice not pictured)
The Breakdown:
Garden Veggie Straws - $2.97 - $0.50 Zweet (online coupon app) = $2.47
Sour Jube Jubes - $1.67
Large Eggs - $2.78
Finish Quantum Dishwasher Tabs 38 - $3.50 (Regular price $9.97)
Pledge Floor Cleaner - $2.00 (Regular Price $7.97)
Windex Touch ups - $1.00 (Regular Price $4.97) PLUS I had a $2.00 coupon making this item a money maker of $1.00!
Tropicana Orange Juice 2L - $3.47 - $3.47 FPC ( held a promotion during Superbowl that if you spent $20.00 on their products at one time, they would mail you a coupon booklet worth $30.00. This is one of the coupons from that booklet)
Total Price with Taxes - $18.67
Minus Coupons & FPC - $12.70

Hold gets better!
MINUS - $7.00 Snap Saves (online couponing app) with the purchase of ANY Pledge Floor Cleaner (the one I paid $2.00 for which means they PAID me $5.00 to buy it!)

Grand Total:  $5.70

Granted, if I hadn't bought the treats then my total would have been even better (and healthier) at $1.01 but I'm happy with the numbers I achieved.  My kids were happy as well when I arrived home with treats for everyone!

Just another example of how being in the right place at the right time can pay off (or make you NOT pay!).  It can be very beneficial to take a few extra minutes to see what in-store sales and promotions may be on.  With five minutes out of my day, I was able to satisfy the sweet & salty monsters, the teenagers (creatures in themselves), and the dust bunnies hiding in the corners of my house.

I almost forgot to mention the icing on the cake.  The kids were so happy with the treats that my amazing daughter offered to give me a gel nail polish manicure!  Pampering in the comfort of my home by my favorite girl at the end of a long day.........priceless.

Until next time!